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Perfil del Cliente:

Prandina is an Italian brand who started in the interior lighting design in 1982. Since the outset Prandina’s creative philosophy has fulfilled criteria of simplicity, functionality and lasting quality.

Oriented toward effective and recognizable lamps, Prandina believes in productive teamwork with established and emerging designers, both Italian and foreigner, looking for new ideas in lighting, breaking with the current trends and conventions. From the glass manufacturing

experience, Prandina is nowadays developing projects and products that fit its design strategy,

also exploring different materials such as aluminium, steel, fabric and polypropylene, policarbonate and fiberglass. Production is implemented with top quality executions, materials and finishing. Also great care is paid to representing the brand identity, which is visible in the workplace organization, in the direct creation of corporate graphic, product packaging, exhibitive events and communication activities. The product development, supported by skilled manufacturing capability, is carried out in compliance with ISO certified quality control system,

issued by DNV Italy since 2001. Exports make up 80% of Prandina’s turnover. The firm is represented in the European, North and South American, Middle east and Asian markets, at the leading sales points. The Prandina® logo is a national and international registered trademark, held and owned exclusively by Prandina srl. It cannot be reproduced or used without the prior consent of Prandina srl.

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Dirección: Via Rambolina 29
Código Postal: 36061
Ciudad: Bassano del Grappa
Provincia: Vicenza
País: Italia

Actividad de la empresa

Fab. Iluminacion - Productos

Lámparas de Mesa
Lámparas de Pie
Lámparas de Techo

Fab. Iluminacion - Sectores

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